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© Elaine Sterling Institute



Cool facts on hot treatments

What is it- A microdermabrasion is a treatment that helps remove the outer layer of dead skin cells. Traditionally microdermabrasions are performed with tiny crystals as an exfoliating medium. As new technology develops, a variety of options exist for individuals with sensitive skin such as diamond tip microderms or hydromicroderms, which use water. Removal of dead skin also allows for deeper penetration of topically applied nutrients and creams.

 Why you need it- Exfoliation exposes the younger living skin cells to reveal a more radiant complexion. At home scrubs and masques are good for lighter exfoliation, but deeper exfoliation can only be achieved with spa equipment. The benefits of getting this treatment in a spa setting are that your esthetician knows just how far to go to limit any irritation, you will receive proper after care instructions, and you can address any current skincare issues. 

 Who shouldn’t get it- Individuals with diabetes, extremely sensitive skin, rosacea, bacterial infections, or who have received botox within the last 72 hours should not get a microderm. This is not a comprehensive list so be sure to discuss with your esthetician and your doctor if you have concerns about getting a microderm.

 Other Spas cost- $100-150
 Our Spa: $45 
The video below shows a student using a crystal free microderm machine.

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