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© Elaine Sterling Institute


New Year New Skin

New year skin resolution number 3

Staying hydrated is important to the health of your body, and your skin. Your skin suffers when you don’t get enough water, especially in winter months when the air inside and out is dry. A lack of water inhibits the skin from performing its important functions. The skin works as a barrier between you and the surrounding environment. When the skin is dry, the cells shrink up and can flake off more easily, weakening the barrier. Some experts say that dehydration can also promote wrinkles as dehydrated skin cannot hold its shape as well. 

You can stay hydrated by increasing your water intake and applying a topical moisturizer. Some Dermatologists argue that drinking water won’t help your skin, as your vital organs are the first to receive ingested water. Not many clinical studies have been conducted examining water and skin, as water cannot be patented so funding for such studies is scarce. However, many people have personally attested to the wonders water can do for the skin as evident in blogs and news articles. If drinking the recommended 8 cups a day of water still doesn’t cut it for your skin, adding a hydrating topical moisturizer can help keep your skin soft and dewey. Getting enough water has a variety of other health benefits that go far beyond skin, so if you don’t do it for your skin, do it for yourself! 
Our recommended product: total everyday hydration 

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