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© Elaine Sterling Institute


New Year Skin Resolutions: Cleansing your face

Part of our January Blog Topic

As much as we have tried to hammer this into everyone’e minds, some people still do not make a habit of washing their face. Most people in the working world take showers as part of their daily routine. Cleaning your body is important, so why would you neglect your face? If anything, the skin on your face needs more specific attention than the skin on your limbs. Our face is our primary area of communication, and everyone should always put their best face forward. One way to ensure clear and fresh skin is simply by cleansing. Without keeping your skin clear of irritants, pollutants, bacteria, dirt, and oil any other steps you take to protect your skin become virtually worthless. The analogy I like to use is that of a dirty plate. You can cover your plate with as much delicious food as you can imagine, but if eaten off of a dirty plate, the delicious food would be unappetizing to say the least. Your skin is like the plate, in order for it to respond to any products such as moisturizers and creams, it needs to be initially cleaned. 

If you are one of the millions of us who just can’t squeeze 10 minutes into our already fragile schedules, try just 5 minutes! If you can’t find the time twice a day to wash your skin, at least wash it at night. During the day, you accumulate all of the nasties that wreak havoc on your skin, and washing it at night gets it off before you have time to further embed these unwanted particles into your skin when you sleep on your pillow. This simple habit can work wonders on anyone with problem skin. If you do nothing else for your skin, make sure you wash it (and wear sunscreen, but more on that later). 

Our recommendations: 
Daily gentle cleanser: All skin types 
Mild Cream cleanser: dehydrated and sensitive skin 
Clarifying skin wash: oily skin
Don't know your skin type? Stop by for a European Facial that includes a skin analysis to identify problems with your skin.   

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