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© Elaine Sterling Institute


Get a facial already

Right Choice

Welcome back to our second installment of our September series all about simple changes you can make to your routine to greatly improve your skin. This week, our focus is on skincare outside the home. What should you do? Get a facial! While this may seem again like obvious advice, people underestimate the knowledge a professional can provide. When I analyze individuals under the woods lamp, I first ask them what they would like to change about their skin. Often the problems that they want to fix, are caused by their own improper skincare routine. When individuals tell me that they have oily skin, often times their skin is overproducing oil in response to initial drying and stripping of the skin. However, if they did not seek professional advice, the might overuse clarifying products, thus further drying and sensitizing their skin. This is just one example of many times our students and instructors have educated mis-informed clients and illuminated the origin of client skin care problems. 
The reason to address this issue is that I have noticed a trend across skincare websites that tout the mantra that all skincare should be home based. However, I like to compare esthetician work to that of a dentist. Just because you don’t have a toothache, doesn’t mean you don’t go for a cleaning. While you still brush your teeth at home, a deep cleaning ensures proper health of the teeth. Professionals such as hygienists and dentists can identify problems that you might not even notice. Going to an esthetician on a regular basis can work in the same fashion for your teeth, and seeing one on a regular basis can greatly improve the health of your skin. 
 So what do we mean by “regular”? This term is relative and differs for each person. For me, I try to get in some type of intense treatment at least 1-2 times a month, but we do have some devout followers who visit on a weekly (sometimes more) basis. If the idea of getting a facial seems to outlandish, I recommend that you try it at least once, as many people are not even aware of what occurs during a facial. It is a great way to seek professional advice about your skin and receive some pampering.

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