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© Elaine Sterling Institute


Green Tea and Aging Skin

Our 3rd installment in our healthy habits series.

Green tea has long been praised for its anti oxidant properties and, slightly less well know, its ability to combat bad breath. These anti-oxidants work wonders inside and out! Anti-oxidants help the body fight free radicals which, not only can cause cancer, but are the source of aging. The anti-oxidant properties of green tea help fight the signs of aging and it is now even included in some skincare products as it a more potent anti-oxidant than some vitamins. Green Tea has a variety of other health benefits, and incorporating a cup of this miracle drink into your morning routine can work wonders.

Healthy Habit Tip of the week: Add 1-2 cups of green tea to your morning, and it can be enjoyed hot or iced. Our Spa Tea is a blended variety of teas and other botanicals, including green tea and is packed full of antioxidants in a delicate balance of flavor. Spa tea can be purchased at our retail desk for $15 for 4 oz./ 60 servings. 

 Skincare tip: For an added boost of green tea to your skin try our Brighten Me, that has powerful and concentrated green tea extract.

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