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© Elaine Sterling Institute


Sugar isn't so sweet (for your skin)

Our 4th Healthy Habits installment

We have all heard about the negative effects of sugar, and how it is important to decrease our daily intake of refined sugar. Many of the reasons for reducing your consumption of sugar are directly related to health, but studies are now finding that excess sugar can effect your skin as well. When we consume simple carbohydrates, our blood sugar also rises. Unbeknownst to many, even complex carbohydrates such as potatoes and white rice can cause a rise in blood sugar, but at a slower pace. These peaks in blood sugar begin a process known as glycation. When sugar molecules attach to proteins, they form advanced glycation end products (AGEs for short). These AGEs damage other surrounding proteins in sort of chain reaction when they attach to collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are key proteins for skin elasticity or “springy-ness”. Without these key proteins, the skin cannot bounce back, and hold its shape. The degradation of these proteins causes wrinkle, sagging and other signs of aging. 

Our advice to you: Ditch the sugar, and try a cleanse. Staying clear of sugar and complex carbs for a short period of time may increase alertness, give you clarity of mind, and can work wonders for you skin. After a sugar de-tox, try slowly incorporating natural sugars back into your diet and limit consumption of refined sugars. 

 Recommended treatment: to help restore collagen and skin youthfulness, try our collagen blanket add-ons and our Nightly Renewal.  

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